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Hinge Neighbors

Hinge Neighbors was created in 2018 to ensure that the neighbors on the north and south sides of the Inner Loop North have their voices heard throughout the Inner Loop North Transformation Study project, being lead by the City of Rochester.

As presented in December 2021, the preferred concept will re-establish the historic street grid and remove the recessed Inner Loop North Expressway, helping to address the negative impacts that resulted from constructing the Inner Loop starting in 1959. From its outset, Hinge Neighbors has systematically worked to develop programs and events that encourage residents and business owners to be able to talk to the city and consultants about their future. To that end, Hinge Neighbors conducted four workshops in the Fall of 2021 - held at the Lewis Street Community Center - to educate the neighborhood about the project, as well as inter-related topics including comprehensive planning, zoning, streetscapes, housing, and transportation.

Through extensive volunteer time and expertise, Hinge has created a refined plan for the eastern portion of the Inner Loop North area, which reflects input and influence from local residents. This plan will continue to be refined by neighbors and business as the Inner Loop Infill project proceeds toward final design and construction. As reflected in the associated land use and streetscape design plan, the 16th ward neighbors have a strong desire to see the following key themes integrated into the overarching project - single family homes, streetscapes, small businesses that will enhance the neighborhood, walkability, green spaces, social and cultural activities, and, stability to be an integrated part of the larger city.



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